ELEVEN granular fertilizer has been designed for IN FURROW starter use with various crops. Each granule contains a balanced ratio of critical plant nutrients. This unique formula ensures maximum root interception and fertilizer use efficiency for season long vigour.

Key Features:
- Low salt index of 17.6
- 71lb Bulk Density to Maximize Seeding Equipment capacity
- All S supplied in the plant available Sulphate (S04) form
- Phosphorus derived from highly available Superphosphates (SSP and TSP)
- Mg and all Micronutrients available in Sulphate (S04) form
Available in:
1.25 MT totes

Loose Bulk

Placement Trial 2020-04 Straight Cut Canola
Trial Details
Location: Milestone, Sask
Seeding Date: May 18 2020
Harvest Date: Sept 12 2020
Crop: Canola
Variety: Invigor L233P
Seeding Equipment: Seedhawk
Design: Replicated field strips
Replications: 4
Plot size: 18 acres
Total area per treatment: 72 acres
Total rainfall: 5.25 inches
Average grain moisture: 5.8%
(results not adjusted to 10%)